"The PT came by social movements, but rejected"

"The PT came by social movements, but rejected" -

The mass call to march against the government of Dilma Rousseff Sunday, managed to draw attention the ruling, encourage arch opponent and even excite some destabilizing speeches that were reflected in posters and banners.

While government agencies and local police stations support the participation of one and half million Brazilians, organizers encouraged talking about two million. (See: Brazil: Thousands of people participated in anti-government march)

regard Radio Universidad spoke with Frei Betto , sociologist and political scientist of that country rejected the idea of ​​a coup launched against the PT government.

"there is no coup underway in Brazil. there is a very small sector asking them to return the military but the same people opposed to the government of Dilma speak that must meet four years, "said the program Look who's talking .

However, Betto admitted that a" political and economic crisis "in Brazil. From politics, the slogan that more was heard in the streets was claiming to corruption in government. From the economic side, we require Dilma Brazil regrow.

As said, close to Lula da Silva since the 80s, Brazilian Dominican friar the Workers Party is suffering today outstanding accounts which was leaving in recent years. "During these 12 years of the PT, Brazil greatly improved social conditions but not the infrastructure to support and give sustainability to these social programs are created," he said

Betto understands that despite the significant economic growth, which in turn was used with strong political decision to improve the quality of life of the poorest sectors, PT forgot to make deep reforms (such as land, tax or policy) to enable today hold its government program.

"it has been a cosmetic populism. it is like a person who lives with her salary working but want to give their children cars and travel and then the bill comes . You can not spend what you do not have and that's what happens in Brazil. The PT do not think the conditions for the sustainability of its government program, "said the intellectual.

Another aspect noted in its dialogue with the journalist Mariano Saravia, is the kind of alliances that the PT was woven with sectors have become opponents and occupy strategic positions in the government, as the party of Vice President Michele Temer, the Brazilian Democratic Movement party.

the inclusion of a reference right at the Ministry of Economy as Joaquim Levy has been another blow for fans of the PT: "Dilma now opt for an economic policy that is right, Levy is right, and she had said in the campaign that he would not do this. The fiscal adjustment now being adopted in Brazil, only penalizes the poor, not the rich and there is indignation of those who have voted for Dilma. "

In a quick comparison, Betto said the government of Evo Morales as "the most intelligent" progressive governments in Latin America since the political weakness of his early years strengthened its ties with the foundation that today holds and allowed him to build power.

"Lula he became president by social movements but rejected. He did nothing to agrarian reform. He developed a policy of social benefits and out of poverty to 36 million people but not politicized the nation and organization of these bases. Now pay hard, "he said.

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