Raul Castro honored with "The Five" with the title of "heroes"

Raul Castro honored with "The Five" with the title of "heroes" -

Cuban President Raul Castro honored with "The Five," as Cuban agents who served long known penalties in the United States, with the title of Hero of the Republic of Cuba, to comply with "dedication dignity and firmness" the "sacred mission" to defend the island of terrorism.

they were also recognized with the Order Playa Giron, which Gerardo Hernandez, Ramon Labañino, Antonio Guerrero, Rene Gonzalez and Fernando Gonzalez received the highest awards that delivers the Cuban government, in a ceremony commemorating the 0th anniversary of the start in 1895 of the last War of Independence against Spain.

the title "Heroes of the Republic of Cuba" they had been granted to the five agents by the National Assembly on December 29, 01, when a federal court in Florida sentenced them to long prison terms In U.S.A; while the Order Playa Giron were awarded today a proposal by Raul Castro, who did not utter any speech during the ceremony.

The "Cuban Five Antiterrorist" as they are known in Cuba, were arrested in 1998 in United States when the Federal Bureau of Investigation dismantled the network of Cuban espionage "Wasp", which operated in south Florida, and sentenced in 01 to long sanctions.

All admitted they were agents of the Cuban government "will not declared "against the United States, but were spying on" terrorist groups of exiles "who conspired against President Fidel Castro, not the US government.

Hernández dedicated the medal to former President Fidel Castro removed from power in 06, "a man whose leadership and strategic vision were instrumental in the battle that led to our liberation" and current president Raul Castro, who "did not rest until fulfill what Fidel promised."

" with his example, we always instilled the spirit of struggle, resistance and sacrifice. A man who taught us that the word surrender does not exist in the dictionary of a revolutionary "noted on the figure of the leader of the Cuban Revolution

Source . Telam

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